The changing face of the workforce continues to see more Australians be self-employed or operate in non-traditional wage structures. In fact, according to the Australian Banking Association (ABA) 2022 SME Lending Report, the number of self-employed people rose 10% to 1.55 million in the year to June 2022.

Traditionally, a loan for a self-employed applicant has been more complex and required
more documentation spanning a greater period. Fortunately, to align with this growth, more lenders now take a contemporary view of the self-employed individual.
For example, a minimum requirement would be to provide 2 (two) years of financial statements and tax returns, with the banks only using the average of the two to estimate borrowing capacity. In the past, this has made it harder for small business owners to secure a home loan.
Fortunately, we are seeing changes in lenders' views of these applications. While still a more complex process, they are acknowledging that this can take many different forms, from a day rate contractor all the way through to a beneficiary of a family trust.
Banks still have very specific and varied policies, and loans are largely assessed exactly as presented in the application. Hence, it’s essential to review this paperwork before it’s submitted to ensure the application is putting forward its best case for approval.
A few areas to be considered:
For your planning, here are a few ways to verify income depending on your self-employment structure. We will work with you on what’s most appropriate for your circumstances:
1. Average of the last two Notices of Assessment.
2. Most recent year’s lodged tax returns, supported by current year BAS statements to show the business is trading at the same levels.
3. Most recent payslip supporting the Director's salary for the last 6 months, supported by a letter from the accountant to confirm the company is trading profitably.
How can we help you?
Reach out, and let’s have a chat. We will discuss your business type and understand the appropriate path forward. Importantly, we wouldn’t recommend anything we wouldn’t do ourselves, so you can rest assured that we have your best interests at heart and will support you each step. When it comes to securing finance for your dream, that can make a world of difference.

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This communication contains general information only and in no way constitutes the provision of professional advice, nor should it be relied on as a substitute for financial, credit, accounting, legal or other professional advice. We have not taken into account your financial situation, investment objectives or particular needs. Before making an investment or financial decision, a person must seek appropriate independent professional advice and also consider whether this information is appropriate to their needs, objectives and circumstances. The author as well as their representatives, agents and employees give no guarantees and make no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy, currency, completeness or suitability of the information contained in this document. Nor do they accept any liability whatsoever as a result of any information herein being incorrect, incomplete or unsuitable or as a result of a person in any way using or relying on the information herein.